Let’s raise a glass to all the unsung heroes; our Superheroes!
02 April 2020In unnerving and unprecedented times it is important that we recognise the unsung heroes that are keeping us safe, fed, and watered and show them some LOVE and support.
We are really proud to share that i heart Wines have teamed up with Intervino to produce 2,500 bottles of personalised i heart Superheroes Prosecco.
We will be asking you to nominate your chosen superhero. Whether that’s your local postie, shop worker, NHS worker, bin men/women, carer, farmer, delivery driver, a parent that is juggling a job and trying to educate their children, someone who is working from home for the first time and having to adapt, anyone that deserves some recognition.
We will be launching on Monday 6th April on our Facebook and Instagram page and will be selecting daily winners at random for the next two weeks! Eeeek! So start thinking about who you think should be nominated and be ready to enter on Monday. Look forward to seeing your nominees.
Keep up the amazing spirt and sense of community.
Lots of love
Team i heart xxx