Lockdown Loves, from baths to baking! PLUS an exclusive from Rylan
04 February 2021With January finally over, the season of love is here. We’ve all had our absolute saviours that have got us through our time in captivity and this month we’re going to celebrate those lockdown love affairs!
I heart Wines Top 5 Lockdown Loves
5. Bubble baths!
Coming in at number 5, whether you’re escaping the kids or trying to soak your stresses away, a nice long bath can be the perfect way to get some relaxation in. Also it’s a good change of scenery from the sofa!
4. Baking…with booze
Millions of banana breads on our screens was sooo Lockdown 1 but seriously, baking has provided some much needed light relief. Even Betty Crocker counts. Click here for some delicious recipes just in time for Valentine’s Day, featuring our i heart rosé-infused meringue kisses…and if all else fails at least you can drink the remaining wine.
3. Fluffy friends
Now we can’t forget about our fluffy friends. They might be thinking, ‘I don’t need another bloody walk’, or ‘I can’t wait for the humans to go back to work’, but for us they are one of the best lockdown loves to raise our spirits! Did you know that 10 minutes of petting a dog or cat can reduce stress? Source: crazycatlady…
2. The Holy Grail that is Netflix!
What on earth would we have done without Netflix! Now we’ve all had a Netflix binge or three this lockdown. Team i heart have been blushing at Bridgerton, channelling our inner Carol Baskin’s and learning the inner workings of Chess from The Queens Gambit!
1. Wine
On a scale of one to wine, how have we got through lockdown? Definitely wine! Let’s face it we all need something to look forward too and we are deffo partial to a glass of wine or two.
Rylan Exclusive
Last but not least we asked our new brand ambassador Rylan what’s got him through lockdown! This is what he said:
‘Pottering around the house and doing the things I’ve been putting off, revisiting sitcom greats like Birds of a Feather and Keeping Up Appearances – perfect pickup during a time that feels gloomy. Completing Netflix…Twice. Breaking up my day into segments so I have something to look forward to in the evening.. Sitting down with a glass of wine and making a meal for the family. Rediscovering songs I had forgotten about and then slipping them into my R2 Show!’
Sounds like he’s nailed it!
We want to know yours: Tag us on social and let us know what’s been keeping you sane. Tag us and use #LockdownLoves