Netflix and Chill… That wine!
11 October 2022Let’s face it, it’s definitely cosier to be wrapped up on the sofa with a large glass of i heart Wines than be facing the cold autumn weather.
We’ve paired this month’s hot to watch shows with some of our favourite wines, all you need to do is bring the snacks!
Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK is back for season 4 on BBC Three, and is the ultimate feel good show filled with all the comradery, wigs and glitter of previous seasons. Pop the cork on i heart Prosecco for this one!
New dark comedy, Bad Sisters on Apple TV+ follows the five Garvey sisters after the death of their brother in law. Trust us on this one, it’ll have you laughing at things you’d never thought you’d laugh at. A funny and fresh series to enjoy alongside our fruity and fresh i heart Sauvignon Blanc.
Grab your broomsticks and pour a glass of i heart Malbec, Hocus Pocus 2 has landed on Disney +! The Halloween classic’s sequel is filled to the brim with nostalgia and juicy one liners, perfect for mouth-watering juicy i heart Malbec!